Our Top Facial Rejuvenation Procedures

DermalWith today’s facial rejuvenation procedures, you have options whether you just want a light refresh or more extensive treatment. Results range from subtle to more dramatic. The best place to start is the general awareness of your goals and which modern cosmetic procedures may align with those goals.

Keep in mind this post doesn’t serve as a substitute for medical advice. Each face is unique, and each treatment is customized to the individual. Also, some procedures may not be appropriate for every patient depending on health history, other conditions, age, general health, and other highly individual factors.

See a skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon, discuss your specific options and learn more about the potential.

Think of this list of some of the best cosmetic facial rejuvenation procedures as a starting point in your journey towards a more confident appearance and towards being a savvy patient and consumer.

Most Popular Facial Rejuvenation Procedures

Depending on your budget, there is a range of surgical and nonsurgical options for facial rejuvenation. This list covers some of the most popular procedures. Talk with your provider to learn more about any treatments that might interest you. Some patients opt for one procedure with subtle results, while others may combine treatments for the appearance they desire.

Face Lift

When people think of anti-aging procedures, a facelift is one of the first things that come to mind. A rhytidectomy (or facelift) surgically changes the appearance of sagging skin and wrinkles.

A facelift is potentially one of the most transformative cosmetic surgery options. Your surgeon will customize the procedure to your goals and anatomy. The process usually involves lifting tissues, tightening facial muscles, and then redraping the skin.

If you decide to receive a facelift, you are in good company. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), 234,374 patients chose to have facelifts in 2020.

Depending on your needs, you might prefer a full facelift, mini facelift, or lower facelift. Your surgeon will walk you through the different options and their potential effects.

Profound® RF

Profound® RF is another of our facial rejuvenation procedures that is FDA-approved. By combining radiofrequency energy with microneedling, this treatment helps improve skin texture. The goal is to stimulate the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin. As described, it is a nonsurgical option.

This treatment may be performed on either the face or various areas of the body, depending on your goals. Profound is one of the most effective treatments for volumeizing and lifting the skin of the face and neck. It is also beneficial for improving the overall quality of the skin on your face, neck, jowls, and jawline. Some also use it on the body to help improve the appearance of cellulite, scars, stretch marks, or sagging skin.


Botox is currently one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures. In fact, Botox is the most popular procedure worldwide and has been used safely for 20+ years.

During the procedure, a specialist injects tiny doses of a cosmetic form of botulinum toxin during the procedure in targeted areas. The injection relaxes the facial muscles, temporarily eliminating or reducing fine lines and wrinkles in the area. Botox effectively targets crow’s feet, frown lines, and forehead creases. Depending on the injection sites, it can also result in a slightly lifted brow.

Sometimes people are surprised to learn that Botox has therapeutic and cosmetic applications. Depending on the injection location, it may also relieve migraine headaches, reduce muscle twitches and spasms, and help mitigate excessive sweating.

Although Botox injections may seem quick and easy from a patient’s point of view, you always want to seek treatment from a medical professional highly skilled with deep knowledge in facial anatomy. A board-certified plastic surgeon or master nurse injector is ideal. Incorrectly administered Botox can lead to pain, weakness, and an unpleasant appearance.


Fillers are another form of injectables that are considered nonsurgical cosmetic procedures. Dermal fillers temporarily plump up the skin creating a smoother appearance. Fillers may also be used to temporarily enhance the shape of the face and make lips look fuller.

As people age, they lose fat and bone density in the face. Also, collagen production decreases. As a result, the face loses fullness, especially around the eyes, mouth, cheeks, brow, and jawline. Strategically placed injectable fillers restore the fuller look associated with youth.

Hyaluronic acid is a popular injectable dermal filler.

Like Botox, a variety of professionals may be licensed to administer fillers. We recommend seeing a board-certified plastic surgeon or master nurse injector for best results with the smallest risk of negative side effects.

Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty is a form of rejuvenation focused on the eyelids. The eyes are highly expressive with delicate skin, so signs of aging typically show around the eyes. Eyelid surgery tightens the delicate skin around the eyes. After a successful procedure, patients often comment they feel like they look well-rested and refreshed. 

It is an outpatient procedure usually taking around an hour. Be sure to find a skilled plastic surgeon as over-tightening the skin can alter the appearance of your eyes more than you want.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), eyelid surgery was the second most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in 2020, with 325,112 patients opting for it.

Next Steps: Book Your Consultation

Your first step is to book a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to explore your options. Have an open and frank discussion about your goals, hopes, existing health conditions, lifestyle, and budget. The surgeon should be willing to answer your questions, show examples of past work, discuss risks and potential side effects and use digital modeling to give you an idea of what your results might look like.

Find someone you trust, with a good track record, and who makes you feel comfortable.

Whichever procedure you may opt for, you may see better results and maintain them longer if you practice a healthy lifestyle. Your provider will talk you through the recommendations that may include consistently wearing sunscreen, regular exercising, eating healthily, getting enough sleep, and avoiding smoking.

Contact us today if you are interested in facial rejuvenation. At Charlotte Plastic Surgery, we have helped many patients through these personal choices.