Rhinoplasty: What To Expect Before And After Nose Job Surgery

If you’re considering a rhinoplasty (“nose job”) surgery, you likely have been thinking about it for some time. If you’ve finally decided to make the next move and contact a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon, such as those found at Charlotte Plastic Surgery, you will want to know what to expect before and after nose job surgery and how the rhinoplasty procedure will impact your life. This has become an especially straightforward surgery and one that is performed throughout the United States countless times a day. This has allowed the continued development of new techniques and amazing results from the rhinoplasty procedure. However, before you take the next step and schedule a consultation with a rhinoplasty plastic surgeon, read through this blog and give us a call.

Here is what you need to know regarding before and after nose job surgery:

What Happens During a Rhinoplasty Procedure?

You already know the rhinoplasty procedure alters the shape of your nose, but you may not know exactly what takes place during the surgery. Besides you may also wonder does nose surgery hurt.

Well, the structure of your nose is made up of different materials. The top area of your nose, where it connects up to between your eyebrows, is all bone. The lower portion of the nose is made of cartilage. Depending on what the desired outcome is, the surgery may alter the shape of the bone, the cartilage, or even the skin that is covering the two.

Once you have decided that a nose job is right for you, your plastic surgeon will sit down with you and go over exactly what will happen and what part of the nose they will work on. There are different healing times based on what is performed, and this can affect your nose job recovery and any discomfort felt afterward as well. Based on what will be addressed, your doctor can answer specific questions, like do nose jobs hurt, and go over any one of those details.

nose job surgery consultation

What to Avoid When Considering A Rhinoplasty

Your doctor will go over all of this with you during your in-depth, one-on-one consultation. However, you will need to avoid blood-thinners or NSAID’s for a few weeks before surgery (such as Motrin, Aspirin, and Advil to name a few). You’ll also want to steer clear of these medications for about two weeks following your surgery, as they have been found to increase the chance of bleeding. But don’t worry – your doctor may prescribe you medication for pain following the surgery, and you can also discuss over-the-counter medications that might work as well. However, do not take anything without first being approved by the doctor, which does include herbal remedies, and make sure your doctor knows about all of your current medications so you can discuss them.

Nicotine products are a no-no, so you will need to stop smoking if you smoke. If you chew tobacco, chew nicotine gum, or use a vaporizer, you’ll need to avoid the use of these as well. Nicotine can slow down the healing process (although this is amplified with smoking as it can enter the nasal cavity, which you’ll want to focus on healing). Plus, smoking following surgery increases your chance of an infection.

For more resources on deciding whether or not to go through with a nose job, check out our patient’s guide to rhinoplasty surgery for a more in-depth look at what to expect before and after nose job surgery.

What to Expect During the Nose Job Surgery

Before and after nose job surgery is a bit different for everyone. Because one surgery might need to focus on bone while another surgery might need to focus on cartilage, the exact process may vary slightly. Your doctor will go over the specifics of your surgery, so make sure to ask any questions you might have. You may even want to write down your questions before your consultation so you don’t forget anything!

During the surgery you will receive general anesthesia by a certified registered nurse anesthetist. Once your procedure is finished, you’ll wake up in a private recovery room with a registered nurse, and your family will be brought back to see you.  The nurse will give you your post care instructions, schedule your follow-up appointments, and talk to you about your prescriptions.  Once you’re fully awake and comfortable, you’ll be able to go home – you’ll even be able to walk yourself to the car!

what to expect before and after nose job surgery

What to Expect After Your Nose Job Surgery

After a nose job surgery, you will need to keep your head above your chest. If you don’t, you will likely experience swelling and additional bleeding. You may also become congested due to this added swelling.

Following the surgery you will have gauze or other dressing inside of your nose. This will remain in place until your next-day post-op appointment.

During the next several days there may be some mucus drainage and even crusty blood. You may be told to maintain a drip pad under your nose. As the mucus and blood can drip without warning you will want to protect your clothing by wearing this pad (which usually is nothing more than gauze taped to the underside of your nose). If your doctor instructs you to replace the gauze on a regular basis, you will want to make sure and do that.

You will want to avoid any kind of strenuous activities. This includes running, working out or anything that causes you to sweat or your heart rate to elevate. You will need to avoid getting your dressings wet in the shower, and avoid blowing your nose. This can be tricky as there will be times when you feel it dripping, but you’ll just need to let it drip or run onto your drip pad. In addition to this, avoid watching funny shows or movies as you don’t want to strain your face through laughing and other facial movements.

To see some inspiring rhinoplasty surgery results, view our before and after nose job surgery photos gallery!

Take the Next Step and Call Charlotte Plastic Surgery

At Charlotte Plastic Surgery, you will work with some of the very best plastic surgeons in the entire country, not just the city of Charlotte. Check out this resource to learn more about why Charlotte Plastic Surgery is the best choice for natural-looking rhinoplasty in Charlotte, NC.

If you are curious whether you are a candidate for a nose job. you can schedule a one-on-one consultation. Don’t worry, you will never be forced into any cosmetic surgery. During this consultation your plastic surgeon will sit down with you, go over what results you’re interested in and what you want changed. If you are a candidate for such an operation, you can proceed from there. However, if the doctor thinks there may be other, non-surgical options available, you can discuss these as well. Whatever path you decide, if you’re ready to take the next step, now is the time to contact the team at Charlotte Plastic Surgery.